Future Leaders in Innovation Policy
December 2019 – July 2020
Partner • Newton Fund, Innovate UK + local partners.
Location • Brazil, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam.
The Future Leaders in Innovation Policy is a capacity building programme designed to support mid-senior policymakers to drive policy change in their context.
The scope and design of the programme was developed in a period of eight months by a multidisciplinary team based in London, supported by local partners in each of the participating countries.
The project journey had to be redesigned because of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
What I did
I co-led the project’s design process. In practice, I facilitated and designed a series of qualitative research sessions with key stakeholders to gather key insights that supported the development of the programme. Additionally, I conducted various co-design workshops with all local partners (Brazil, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam) in order to collectively input and tailor the design of the programme.
I pivoted and redesigned the entire project journey to be delivered online after the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020. Working quickly and within constraints, I developed a Design Sprint to define, test and iterate the programme proposal together with my team. I established new ways of working using collaborative platforms and tools that allowed me to capture all voices and views during the online engagements (which it is important to mention this was not the norm before the pandemic).
As part of the analysis work, I codified ethnographic research in order to define the programme’s learning outcomes. I ultimately shaped those outcomes and developed a proposal for the skeleton of the capacity building programme.